Na slědach Serbow
Sorben erleben
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With the following presentation, we warmly invite you to explore and experience our beautiful city and the history of the Sorbs in the city, preferably on a city tour. You will be excited!
Walking tours
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Sites of Sorbian schools in Bautzen
Walking tours
Sorbian culture in Bautzen
Walking tours
Traces of Sorbian history in Bautzen
Walking tours
Sorbian institutions in Bautzen
Walking tours
Religious sorbian places in Bautzen
Walking tours
Sites of Sorbian schools in Bautzen
Walking tours
Sorbian culture in Bautzen
Walking tours
virtual tours
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On the Sorbs' traces in Bautzen
virtual tours
On the Sorbs' traces in Bautzen
virtual tours
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Arnošt Muka Monument
Bautzen Municipal Theatre
Birthplace Handrij Zejler
Britze Garden
Brother congregation Kleinwelka
Church of Our Lady
Corn market
District office of Bautzen County
Domowina Publishing House
First teachers`training seminar
Handrij Zejler Monument
House of Agriculture
House of the Sorbs
Jan Pětr Jordan Monument
Jan Radyserb-Wjela Monument
Lusatian printing house
Maria Grollmuß Monument
Memorial Jan Smoler
Old Wendish House
Publishing bookstore J. A. Smoler
School of St. Michael
Sorbian Institute
Sorbian Museum
Sorbian National Ensemble
Sorbian newspaper -
Sorbian school on the Wendischer Graben
St. Mary's and St. Martha's Church
St. Michael's Church
St. Nicholas Cemetery
St. Peter's Cathedral
The Bishop Beno House
The Castle Ortenburg
The Castle Theatre
The church "Taucherkirche"
The district Seidau
The German-Sorbian National Theatre
The Millennium Monument
The Monse publishing house
The Sorbian School and Meeting Centre
The Taucherkirche cemetery
Town hall Krone
Wendish Quarter
Arnošt Muka Monument
Bautzen Municipal Theatre